Monday, February 17, 2014

Painted Counter Tops

It's been a while! I have been working on stuff but it's be fixing jewelry and I didn't take any pictures so I don't have much of post for that now do I?
I did however start a new project tonight, Painting my countertops!
They were light pink and loved to stain. here is a picture but I used my phone so they are not the best but I did take them so that is a start!

Pale pink.. and old, they have been though a lot. We plan on re-doing the kitchen but it's not the time so this is my temporary solution until we can re-do everything.
 First I removed the old caulk it was yellow and half gone. I re caulked with the waterproof and paintable stuff. I let that dry. Then I primed it with 123 see below:

 It's hard to tell but it's white now. I let that dry for an hour then I did the base coat black with a gallon I had stored up, it was an opps paint I got for 5 bucks.

 I let that sit for a little while but I wanted to blend it so I didn't let it fully dry, it worked for me this way but a lot of people recommend letting it dry overnight. I have no patience for that kind of thing.
So I grabbed my sea sponge and my paints and just went to town. I used a black glitter paint as my first layer again it doesn't show up very well but you can see where I started on the edge.

 I layered a lot I used a gray glitter paint and a metallic silver and finally a metallic color called black coffee. And I just layered and layered and layered.

 I started to tone down the white and got this look:

It's starting to look like stone, I have some more work to do tomorrow on it, I want to add some more depth and some veining but I couldn't do anymore tonight. I also threw some glitter in there but it totally doesn't show up. And I have to seal it with poly. Since it is such a big project I figured I'd split it up, plus I couldn't wait to post it anyways.

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