Sunday, January 19, 2014

   My next project is here! The piano came today thanks to my awesome friends and family who helped me move a piano in the cold snow.
 I am insane.
 I know this.
The sooner you accept it the better off you will be.
    I do feel bad that my one friend smashed his finger and we also hit the corner-bead really hard and I have to fix it now. I also took pics of the glider rocker, I am getting the fabric this week and am going to start putting that together. I hope I can do it. It'll be the first time I tackle anything like this. I figure if it's not perfect it's ok, she can use and and I can always recover it in a few years after the kid has drawn on it a time or two. Chase totally took a black ball point pen to all of it.
It's been sitting in an attic for about 4 years now and it's disgusting. Pretty much anything I do to it will be an improvement, the actual chair is still good. it needs some love.

Work is getting less which is good, I need to take this time to get stuff in order. I also think I am going to sell my first refinished piece. I need to tweak the stain, I went a little heavy handed with it and I need to repaint the mirror frame with the base white I used.
As my house changes and becomes what it will be, things are moving around and I am figuring out what I want and what I don't.
I'm not sure I really want to do refinishing as a job but I wouldn't mind earning some money if I can fix things and sell them for a little bit of a profit. Post all my mistakes so anyone reading this will know what NOT to do. Either way the dresser I bought for the bathroom in the house we were originally going to buy doesn't work well in the house we actually bought. I have an armoire I need to sell as well though I haven't touched it and maybe I should. No need to keep them so maybe someone will buy them!!

I figured I'd post my before pictures of my scary projects, I'll clean the piano tomorrow. I think I'm just going to use a restore a finish since the finish is in pretty good shape and I don't really mind the shade, it'll look a lot better with minimum work and a little love.. the chair needs ALOT of work and a TON of love. I think most people would just get a new one.

 Oh the horror! I have a lot of work to do! Wish me luck!

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