Saturday, January 18, 2014

50% off at the thrift store? Yes please!

    So not too much happening, I still need to pick up the fabric for my next project, I've been working and hanging out with the fam. I stopped in the thrift store today and it was mobbed, no neat furniture to pick up sadly but everything was 50% off and I did pick up a sweet vintage Pyrex set with sunflowers on the tops for 5 bucks! Score of the day: A sweet vintage black umbrella with a metal tip and curved wooden handle. I have a tan one but I've been looking for a black one for years now so I was really happy when I found that! I spent less than ten dollars and I got a bunch of cool stuff. Including the Milk glass bowl, I'm thinking fruit bowl.

   So at home and bored, I wandered over to Craigslist and I noticed a girl who refinishes furniture, I looked at her stuff and while it is done well I can't help but feel like ... I don't know, she's redundant. It's all very shabby chic borderline rustic I guess. I like the shabby chic look but usually only when a piece is so far gone there is not much I can do for the wood or if it's not a very high quality wood to begin with, then by all means paint away. However if you have a vintage piece of nice wood that can be refinished for the love of god and all that is holy please restore the woods original beauty! I'm not a wood purist by any means but it takes more skill and time to refinish a piece properly then it does to slap some paint on and sand off said paint in choice areas to create a vintage look. Just my rant for now. I guess mostly because I want to die when I see what she has done to some of those beautiful pieces. I was once a paint over stuff to fix it because I didn't know any better, of course as I learned more techniques I kicked myself in the ass because, have you any idea how hard it is to strip paint off?? If the piece has detailing, my god forget it, you're in hell for weeks removing it! Chasetin's dresser is a prime example. I painted it back when I was just starting to learn how to do any of this stuff and now I know I'll be removing that paint because he's going to out grow it. I do not look forward to that day. I actually might tackle it this summer, every time I look at it I want to strip that paint off. Lessons learned the hard way. don't get me wrong I did a nice job and I loved it when I did it... still.
   My sisters dresser however, paint was the way to go, it was one of those dime a dozen late 70's early 80's pieces super dark wood and just over took her room. I painted it bright high gloss white and the room became a thousand times lighter. We also spray painted her knobs bright pink. It came out really good and I don't see her keeping this dresser forever it's not an heirloom by any means so no harm no foul. I can touch it up anytime it needs it but it was by far the best thing to do,  her desk and bed frame was refinished but I used a polyshade, I think I would have gone a different route if I did it now but it was quick easy and done in one step and both look a ton better. Whenever I get bored I refinish a room in my parents house. That was the last one I did before we bought our house and I'm going crazy being on hold because I am anxious to finish the rooms. Really soon now! I have a piano to pick up tomorrow which is going to need some love though it's in really great shape, just needs a good cleaning really maybe some buffing to let her shine. I might post some pics of her if I get a chance.
   I also need to bring home my vanity my sister bought me, I went and looked at it yesterday and I am so much in love, it's a beautiful piece from the 20's one family owned it and it's in beautiful shape, a little veneer loss and I'm going to look into how to deal with that without ruining the original finish as I want to keep as much of that intact as I can. It is a very ornate piece, a lot of carving detail and I do not want to mess that up! I'll probably just clean her up and keep her as is until I have a little more experience with how to take care of such a problem without destroying the integrity of the piece. I'll keep my eyes open for some practice pieces!
   That's it for now, quick boring update of nonsense chatter just getting myself into the hang of this really. Hopefully I'll have something to actually post next time, you know that's worthwhile. ;)

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