Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Piano!

Ok everyone keeps asking me for the piano photos, I took them tonight which kinda sucked because.. lighting. It would be better to do it during the day but...
 I made promises, I must keep them.
 I know I posted a few before pictures in my other post however I will refresh your memory and post another one:

Or two....

Clearly this poor thing was in the middle of a work zone, a little background:
   The house we were working on for a long time contractor we know, was abandoned by the women who owned it. She had some bad stuff happen and just up and left the house with everything it and moved to another state to live with her sister. Our guy bought the house with everything in it. It had sat for a year or two, closed up and with water damage. It was a really cool little house actually and it's lovely again.
   The piano was there dirty and musty and it sat there while we all worked on the house around it, so on top of the must and dirt, it also accumulated some paint, drywall mud, and drywall dust.
 First things first: a deep clean. I used some awesome orange to wipe it down and remove all the grime, it also helped with the smell.

Alright now we are getting somewhere! The above pictures are of it clean, just spray and wiped down.
Once it dried I used 220 to sand off some paint spots and even out some finish flaws. I thought I had grabbed restor a finish but I was wrong, I actually grabbed danish oil in dark walnut. This is what happens when you don't pay attention. It could have been a disaster. I won't lie once I realized what I had done my heart kind of stopped because I was not 100% sure how it was going to turn out. Luckily it worked really well, it highlighted some of the deeper scratches in the wood which I really liked and it brought back some life back to the dull finish. I put a coat of that on letting it sit for 30 minutes before wiping it down. I then apply a second coat and let that soak in for 15 minutes and wipe it dry. It was gleaming and I was in love.
I had to let that sit for 72 hours before I could use the wax and feed on it which is why I have not posted this sooner. The cool thing about danish oil is that is seeps into the wood and hardens it just a fun fact, the more you know ;)

 And now for the finished project:

This project took a little longer than the vanity due to the time needed between coats and curing but it was totally worth it. I know restor a finish would have worked just as well because despite all the dirt the finish was not too bad, but I'm glad I got to see what the danish oil can do and had a chance to use it. I really love the way it highlighted the scratches, I'm a fan of natural dings and dents from use so long as they are minor and normal wear an tear, nothing so bad it jeopardizes the piece.

Here she sits in her final home, ready to be tuned and played hopefully sooner than later! I am going to have to rehang my pictures since they were centered over the dresser originally so please forgive all my stuff not lining up quite right. *Sigh part of an evolving house, and I can only get so many projects done at one time!

Anyone know if it's ok for stuff to be on top? I just like how it looks...

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